Centre for North-West Regional Studies, Lancaster University
E-NEWSLETTER, October 2013
Welcome to our latest e-newsletter. In this edition:
- Bookings are now open for two further Study Days – and we are delighted to announce an additional event, a Study Afternoon on Wednesday 4 December 2013
- External event: Public Engagement – what’s in it for older adults and higher education?
- CNWRS books
Bookings are now open for three further events.
On Saturday 30 November we are hosting The Invention of Memory - looking back to the First World War. Many of our readers will be aware that August 2014 will mark the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War, and as this falls during our ‘closed’ season we thought it would be useful to hold a study day which concentrates on examining the context of commemoration, as a kind of preparation for the many events which will take place on this theme over the next five years. We are delighted to be welcoming Dr Corinna Peniston-Bird of the Department of History here at Lancaster – her research is in the field of memories and cultural representations, especially in relation to the two World Wars, and she will be discussing the ways in which popular understandings of the First World War have been shaped. One of her PhD students, Martin Purdy, will speak to us on the topic of Gallipoli and the East Lancashire Legacy – a fascinating example of how modern understandings can apparently overlook really significant experiences. Our third speaker, Dr Jonathan Westaway of UCLan, will share with us his work on the use of mountains in the Lake District as war memorials. We will also have a showing of a number of archive films including subjects such Morecambe Volunteers in training, the Accrington Pals Battalion and Lancashire Fusiliers on the march, with commentary and discussion from our expert speakers. You can find full details and book this event online at http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/users/cnwrs/events/The_Invention_of_Memory_details.html
On Saturday 18 January we welcome Dr Alan Crosby of the British Association for Local History, who will be presenting an entire study day for us. His theme this year is Learning and Enlightenment: aspects of cultural life in North-West England 1750-1900, and his topics will include music and theatre in North-Western towns in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and aspects of art in Lancashire country houses 1700-1900. Please read full details and book this event online http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/users/cnwrs/events/learning_and_enlightenment_details.html These presentations should form an excellent bridge with Alan’s contribution to our February study day, on the Architecture of the North West: he will be speaking on music at Rufford Old Hall in the 1730s. We hope to have that event open for booking shortly – and please note the correct date is Saturday 8 February, not 1 February as stated on the card of study days which you should have received recently.
We are also delighted to announce an additional event in our programme. Many of our supporters will fondly remember Dr Jean Turnbull, my predecessor in the post of Centre Co-ordinator. Jean has kindly agreed to share some of her research with us at a half-day event to be held on Wednesday 4 December 2013,entitled The Evolution of Social Housing in England from the twelfth century to the present. This event will take place at the Friends’ Meeting House in Lancaster, near the railway station, starting at 1.30pm with coffee and tea, and Jean will speak on the early history of social housing – including medieval hospitals and alms houses – as well as nineteenth- and twentieth-century large scale developments. Please read full details and book for this event online athttp://www.lancaster.ac.uk/users/cnwrs/events/social_housing_details.html
As a reminder, we are still taking bookings for Names and Voices: linguistic aspects of north-western heritage on Saturday 26 October 2013. See the full list of our events at http://www.lancs.ac.uk/users/cnwrs/events/index.htm
External Event: Public Engagement – what’s in it for older adults and higher education?
Tuesday 12 November 2013, 1-4pm, at the Friends Meeting House, Meeting House Lane, Lancaster LA1 1TX
This workshop, hosted by researchers and the Continuing Learning Group at Lancaster University, will examine, debate and identify ways of increasing the engagement of older adults in the research, teaching and volunteering activities of higher education. The workshop is designed primarily for local organisations, community groups or members of the public with some experience of engagement with a university, and will aim to generate ideas and new partnerships that will help stimulate the development of new resources and research in this field. The workshop is free of charge. A light sandwich lunch will be available from 12.15pm before the workshop commences at 1pm.
For future information or to register interest, please contact Emma Halliday on 01524 592980 or [email protected] Please register your interest by 14 October.
CNWRS books
We are eagerly anticipating the publication of our next title, Printed Maps of Lancashire: the first two hundred years, by Ian Saunders. This should be delivered in time for your Christmas lists – it will certainly make a wonderful gift for any map enthusiasts and indeed all who have a love of the historic county of Lancashire. We are arranging a launch event which all our patrons and friends will be invited to attend, but we should have the book available for sale at the 30 November study day mentioned above, and we will also be selling this book at our subsequent study days and through the online store along with all our other titles athttps://online-payments.lancaster-university.co.uk/
We look forward to seeing you at one or more of our autumn and winter events.
For more details of our activities and publications visit our website at http://www.lancs.ac.uk/users/cnwrs/