WANTED: People interested in the North West region, your local area and its past
Do you know what used to be on your street before your home was built?
How long has your road been there? What did it look like in the past?
Where did your ancestors live or work?
Do you know where to find this information?
Can you help us to help you to find this information?
Across the North West of England, libraries and archive services have thousands of original maps, photographs and research which can answer these questions and more, but they are fragile and often only available at these sites. We want to create a website which links digital maps, photographs, plans and other images. Most of these maps would be digitised in colour for the first time. Digital technology also offers us the chance to preserve the maps.
Users would be able to pick a specific place and instantly see digitised archive maps for that location. Archive maps could be linked to current maps and potentially satellite images, allowing easy, accurate comparison. They could also be linked to local photographs and other archives and research.
We need your help to explore the potential for a new and exciting project which is all about opening access to maps. We have developed a survey to collect your views and ideas on the project. This survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete, and is totally anonymous.
The survey is available at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/dm20189
It closes at 5pm on Sunday 13th January.