Tracing family trees and ancestral roots has become a national pastime. Amateurs from around the country have joined genealogists in a hunt to unearth information from the past.
From today your search may become a little more interesting, because we’ve released details of the first properties registered under the Land Registry Act 1862. This data includes almost 2,000 records that you can now view or download for free from Land Registry’s website. We’ve scanned and indexed 68,000 pages of the handwritten parchments to give you a comprehensive digital snapshot of property ownership in the nineteenth century.
- See more at: http://www.landregistry.gov.uk/announcements/2014/1862-property-ownership-records-released#sthash.RXpqLwZT.dpuf
Land Registry for England and Wales.
UK Government Agency responsible for the House Price Index, Property Prices, Property Ownership, Title Deeds, Title Plans, Title Registers.