Learning about forgotten stories of a survivor of World War One. Why don’t you join Thingumajig who tell the tale of…………..
"A November Day"
A women discovers the story of her Grandfather, a survivor of the First World War, in forgotten boxes in the attic. In this hour long tale of his survival, his unexpected encounter with a stray dog sets the tone for a story told by puppet characters, live music and ever-changing scenes, and shows how important friendship was when everything else at war seemed lost. The tale also explores the timely question of how we remember.
A Spot On production in association with Lancashire Arts Development & The Harris Library and Museum
Sunday 16Th November at 2pm
The Harris Library
Market Square, Preston, PR1 2PP
Tickets £6 for adults and £4 for children and concessions
Tickets can be purchased either from The Harris Library or by phoning the main library number (0300 123 6703)
or 01772 533040 or when turning up on the day.
Suitable for 10+