I thought you might like to know about the new national Explore your Archive campaign which starts on 16 November.
Lancashire Archives' part of this campaign will be launched by one of the access archivists, Kathryn Newman, at Ashton on Ribble farmers' market on Saturday 16 November (9am-1pm in St Michael's church hall on Tulketh Road, Preston) and will feature a new food-themed interactive exhibition The Hive and the Basket.
This exhibition will be in the record office searchroom until the end of November.
On Tuesday evenings 19 and 26 November visitors to Lancashire Archives, and people leaving work at the end of the day, will be entertained by Projecting history - images of Lancashire's archives projected onto the record office building.
The highlight of the campaign will however be Lancashire Day on Wednesday 27 November when Lancashire Archives will host an open, food event from 11am-4pm, with food stalls and tastings, sound recordings of food memories from the North West Sound Archive, and Café Archive, followed by an early evening talk on Lancashire food.
Do come and join us if you can.
Jacquie Crosby
Archives Service Manager
Lancashire Archives
Lancashire County Council
01772 533028
[email protected]