There's nothing quite like reading a personal account of war, as history unfolds itself through the eyes of somebody who was actually there. For that very reason, we'd like to give you the chance to read some of these amazing real life stories for yourself - completely free of charge.
Read War Diaries For Free Now
One diary in particular stands out is the account of Reverend Alan Maitland Fairweather, an Army Chaplain taken prisoner by the Germans during World War II. Read his story and discover what life was like as a prisoner of war.
You can get used to brand new features like this being added all the time because the Forces War Records site is constantly evolving. Also, our UK based transcription team have added another 175,000+ records to our database this month, which could mean fresh insight for you - never give up on your genealogy quest.
Who knows, you may even have an ancestor who had similar experiences to Reverend Fairweather, or some of the other individuals involved in our new 'war diary' section.
Happy reading.
Forces War Records Customer Care.