Lancashire Local History Federation
‘At Home’ with Tatham History Society
Saturday 21 June 2014
10.00-4.00 Wray Village Institute (with outings to Tatham)
10.00 Registration: tea/coffee
10.30 John Wilson: ‘Tatham: Settlement and Landscape through the Ages’
11.15 Comfort break
11.30 Melinda Elder: ‘Transatlantic Slavery: local family connections’
12-15-1.15 Lunch followed by AGM 1.15-1.45
2.00-4.00 Afternoon Guided Outings and Talks
1. David Kenyon: ‘Wray: its industrial and mining heritage’ (walk)
2. Mike Winstanley: ‘Church and Dissent’: St James the Less, Tatham; Wray church,
Quaker and Methodist meeting places [ walk/car]
3. John Wilson: A trip to Tatham Fells’ – landscape, industry, church and people [car/walk]
4. Talks :
Mike Harrison: ‘Interpreting the local vernacular’
Richard Wilson: ‘Reservoirs and aqueducts: how Tatham brought water to South
3.45 onwards– tea/coffee available in the institute: 4.00 onwards - dispersal
Contact :- Anne Wilson, Holcombe House, Tatham, Lancaster, LA2 8PS. Tel: 015242 63399
Email: [email protected]