17 May 2014
St Cuthbert's Church Centre,
Lytham Road,
Preston PR2 3AR (Input PR2 3BE if you are using a Sat Nav).
09:15 – 09:45 Registration and Coffee / Tea
09:45 – 10:00 Welcome and Introduction
10:00 – 11:10 Graham Cornish of the Copyright Circle - speaking to a title: "Copyright for the Family
11:25 – 12:35 David Tilsley, Collections Manager, Lancashire Archives. The title being "The records of the
Honour of Clitheroe and their usefulness to family historians”.
1:00 - 2:15 Lunch
2:15 – 3:25 John Downham, Chairman of The Trustees of The Lancashire Infantry Museum, speaks to
the title: "A rapier among scythes" The British Army 1914, the people involved.
3.40 LFHHS Annual General Meeting
During the day, Peter Joslin will be displaying details of "The Flanders Poppy Trail" 1914 - 1918 a unique presentation by our Lancaster and Morecambe Branch and local organisations.
We extend a warm welcome to the Conference and lunch to non-members of LFHHS.
Conference including lunch £12.50 per person
Conference without lunch £6.50 per person
As part of our ongoing website development you can now book and pay for the conference through the website using a credit card. Give it a try. Any problems please let me know. If you are happy with it tell everybody!
We look forward to seeing you all!