The Society are delighted to announce that our Joint London & South East branch will be organising a Zoom Meeting on Saturday, 8th August 2020 with Jackie Depelle booked to talk on ’Ideas for Researching Non-Conformist Ancestors’. Many of our ancestors favoured a wide range of different denominations, what and where can we find their records and what can they tell us?
Jackie Depelle is a specialist Family History Tutor, guiding and motivating family history research for just over twenty years. A regular speaker at major shows and events over the country, Jackie supports voluntary organisations through her association with the Yorkshire Group of Family History Societies and the Guild of One-Name Studies.
Jackie suggests joining in from 13.45 to 14.00 to allow for unfamiliarity with Zoom for some members, there is no charge for the talk which can cater for up to 100 members and a handout of helpful hints will be available for reprinting with a suitable acknowledgement of source.
If you are interested in attending this innovative Zoom meeting would you please contact by email Helen Conchar at [email protected] . Joining instructions will be sent out to those expressing interest in taking part on Thursday
This is great news for all we family historians having been locked out of our hobby for so long and I hope the Zoom experience is most satisfactory for you.
With best wishes,
Stephen Benson
Acting Secretary
London & South East Branch
Lancashire Family History & Heraldry Society
Registered Charity No. 513437