From LFHHS Rochdale Branch
Don't forget, non-members of the LFHHS are very welcome to attend all of the Rochdale branch talks.
The branch meets on the last Wednesday of every month at 7.30 pm at St Andrew's UR Church (Entwisle Road).
The complete programme of events for 2017 has been announced and you are very welcome to come along.
29 March - AGM
26 April - Norden Riviera, Rochdale by the Sea (Gary Heywood)
31 May - Growing Old Disgracefully (Linda Sawley)
28 June - Research Evening
26 July - Out Visit to St Edmund's Church, Rochdale
30 August - Life during the Industrial Revolution (Kathy Fishwick)
27 September - Scottish Ancestry (Ina Penneyston)
25 October - The history of the Co-op (video evening)
29 November - Murder in the Victorian Lancashire family (Martin Baggoley)