We can now announce that, following the agreement of the Executive Committee last month, we have a new resource for LFHHS Members, 'LFHHSOnline'. The service comprises a Facebook page and a Twitter page, both with feeds from some of the best sources available and links to some of our existing services. Why not take a look. There are full instructions for Facebook and Twitter via the 'LFHHSOnline' homepage at:
These additional resources are to complement the key resources like the Resource Centres, the Branch Holdings and of course, the Forum. They also add an additional Channel for communications.
In the next phase, very soon, we will be introducing Google+ facilities to circulate video material and eventually, develop meetings and video discussions and presentations online through 'Hangouts'. Watch this space! Those of you who already have a Google+ account can register for 'Hangouts' and let us know you can help develop that facility.
Enjoy this step into the 21 Century.