What’s the state of the Society in 2017? In no particular order:
- Good financial state
- Steady membership, but declining
- Buoyant branches with some struggling
- All evidence from surveys and anecdotes – we do a good job for members.
- 50/50
- We all have a part to play in encouraging membership, especially non-members who use our services
- We should share our good practice between branches – Away Day in September to do so
- We want to encourage folk to volunteer for Branch and Society roles, and to try and discover why folk seem reluctant. The Away Day will cover that too.
- We are looking for Volunteers willing to become Apprentices to Society & Branch roles – Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer
- We need fresh blood in our functions too. New voices with new ideas in Ed & Trg, P&P, Members Services, Publicity, Online Services
- If you might be interested then talk to me, email me, I’m here till I go.
- September ‘Self Help; Help yourself; Help others’ to break down walls. By members, for members only, with help on all matters: military, Irish, Heraldry, Scottish, online resources, hard copy resources, etc. shared experience, Help each other. FREE with a nice lunch included.
- Starting October ‘Find out about Social Media’; ‘Using Social Media in Family History Research’ Series
- Starting Volunteer Workshops
- LFHHS Academy: Online Course, Links to External Material, Video Library
- LFHHS Meeting Room for online meetings via Skype and Google+ and links to other Social Media Platforms
- LFHHS Information & Docs
- LFHHS Member Self Services:
- LFHHS Library
- LFHHS Help Desk: Helping Hands, LFHHS Mentors, LFHHS Research Centres, Who to contact in the Society
- ‘How To’ Pages
Mike Coyle