From LFHHS Chorley Branch
Research Project into the Movement of Chorley People.
LFHHS Chorley Branch, led by Ron Chapman, are undertaking a Research Project into the movement of Chorley People.
The people of Chorley moved in and out of the town over the years. Why did they do that? The reason may have been personal, or it might have been for reasons that affected a whole group of people. For example, a slump may have occurred in a particular trade or industry or conversely a boom. Maybe an area of Chorley had an outbreak of Cholera.
For an individual the reason for a movement might require huge amounts of research. Population statistics may help, but if we had a database that showed, for example, that over a two year period 150 people moved into Chorley to join the cotton industry and a fair proportion of them came from agricultural areas then its worth looking for a general slump in agriculture and a boom in the cotton industry in Chorley.
The database will only be useful if we have lots of facts about lots of people. If all our members with Chorley interests could join the project, you might help not only yourselves but also help others.
This is where you come in. If you have people in your Family History who moved into, out of or within Chorley from 1800 to 1911 inclusive we would like you to give us the details – we are not asking you to do any further research – just tell us what you know!!!
We would like to know:-
- The name of the person or family (Sufficient so that we can find them in the records)
- Where they moved from
- What was their occupation before they moved
- Where they moved to.
- What was their occupation after they moved
- When the move took place
- If you know why they moved
- If you have any clues as to why they moved
- If you have any ideas as to where to find out why they moved
- Your thoughts, notes and the sources that you have used