Snippets from Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting
14th October 2013
* We have had confirmation from the Charity Commission that decisions made by email are valid.
- We need Executive volunteer/branch representation for 2 branches Ribble Valley and Burnley & Pendle
- There needs to be a link on the website to the “LFHHS Online” blog.
- Our 40th anniversary journal is well underway.
- The Society Copyright Policy is in final draft.
- The Society Journal ‘Lancashire’ was placed in the medium category for the Federation's Elizabeth Simpson Award
- We should consider entering the Geoff Riggs Website Award in the future.
- We are entering into talks with Manchester FHS ‘Explorers’ about a possible youth directed event.
- Blackburn Fair and Annual Society Lunch both broke even. There has been good feedback from both events. Seen to be a good model to take forward for future events.
- Next year's Annual Society Lunch will be organised by the Pendle branch
- The 2014 Conference and AGM will be held on Saturday 17th May 2014 at St Cuthbert's Parish Centre, Fulwood.
- There are proposals to redevelop LFHHS Chorley Research Centre. We are currently in discussion with Chorley Council.